A downloadable game for Windows

A quick entry made for the Dino Jam event - 

You play as Anky, an ankylosaur that can hit the ground with his large tail to jump. A nearby volcano erupts and the island Anky is on has no flying dinos to get help from neighboring islands - use your distinct jumping ability to climb the active volcano and flutter on its updraft to find the magical jetpack in the clouds above, and fly off-land to seek help for your groundbound friends


WASD to move, space to jump

hold space or jump shortly after landing to get a speed boost that has less maneuverability

press space while in midair to flutter, losing speed but slowing your fall and gaining more control

Once you have the golden pack, use W and S to pitch and A and D to yaw when fluttering - fly beyond the map's edge with the golden pack to win

there is no exit button/menu due to time constraints, so you will need to force-quit out.

This project quickly got out of scope for a single dev project, especially with life keeping me busy outside the jam, so it lacks 2 or 3 more minigames that would utilize the mobility mechanics more interestingly (dodging falling rocks, jumping on volcanic boulders to gain height above the volcano, launching them back to clog the volcano, and generally more gameplay to utilize the puns in the game's name)

All assets used made by me


Armored Saur.zip 29 MB

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